Monday, July 12, 2010

Conversations in My Neighborhood #5

C-love, Crafty and I are walking my dog and our friend's dog over to Crafty's house when I guy crossing the street sees us and starts hollering in a friendly way:

Guy: "Ya'll got to get rid of those dogs! No dogs! Have kids! Have babies! They'll take care of you when you're old. You don't need those dogs!"

(That one wasn't really a conversation I guess. Just him talking there.)

Conversations in My Neighborhood #4

Guy in passenger seat of a car as it's pulling over so he can talk to me: "Hey White Girl, can you tell me, is he ugly?" (points to driver)

Me: (laughing) I'm not going to say that!

Guy: Oh. Alright.


Guy: But he is fat.

White Bean and Roasted Red Pepper Wraps

I cooked tonight. I like cooking. I am often quite awful at it, but I always enjoy doing it. It felt good to cook. I did a modified version of this:

It came out pretty well. I will share it with C-love and see what he thinks. We are also having a friend-couple over for dinner this week and I think I am going to do some Asian curry noodles. It feels good to be getting back in the swing and taking command of my kitchen again.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Conversations in My Neighborhood #3

(Gardening in my backyard.)

Man Walking Up Alley: Hello

Me: Hi, how are you?

Man: What size pants are you?

Me: I'm sor-ry?

Man: I've got these jeans. They're Jones New York. Real nice. They are a size 16. Is that good for you? I can give them to you for a nice price.

Me: Oh!!! Um, no sorry, that's not my size.

Man: Oh okay. Well, if you know anybody. They're Jones New York.

Conversations in My Neighborhood #2

(Walking my dog down a side street when man approaches from alley.)

Man: Hey

Me: Hi, how are you?

Man: What's your dog's name? What do you call your dog?

Me: Suki

Man: Stupid? You named your dogs Stupid?

Me: Suuuu-kkkeeeeeee

Man: Stuki? I have a cat. I named it Mr. T. Why don't you like cats?

Me: I like them fine. I just like dogs better.

Man: Yeah, like if someone comes up in your house and your dog's like, "ruff, ruff, ruff! bow wow!!!!"

Me: Okay, I'm going this way..... (point in opposite direction)

Conversations in My Neighborhood #1

I'm in the backyard gardening when three, young black males who actually do look slightly tougher than most of the guys cutting through the alley walk by.

Me: Hi, how are you?

Dude: Hello.


Dude: You gardening? You do yard work all the time?

Me: Um, no. It's hard work. I try to do it as little as possible.

Dude: Oh yeah?

(I really have no idea why he asked that. Was he trying to find out if this was my profession? If I'm going to be out there a lot in the future? If this is something all white people do? Maybe he was just making conversation because I said "hi" first. He seemed somewhat perplexed about the whole gardening thing and then managed to totally confound me with his curiosity.)

Stumbling Towards Efficacy

I decided to start writing a blog and I didn't even do that effectively. Efficacy is a word I learned in teaching grad school. There was some gooey talk about doing a lot of self-reflection in order to determine your efficacy as a teacher. It's the noun for effective and it's a word that has been sticking to me like lint in my psychic bellybutton.

I feel like I need to increase my efficacy of being a fulfilled human being. I am kind of floating in this morass of being "brave enough" to give up my job, buying a house in the 'hood, sticking with my man and wanting to get another dog because we provide a really nice life for a dog and we should be spreading it around. And making a "caribbean-themed" guest bedroom because that's funny. And crap like that.

I'm trying to figure out how best to channel these energies so that I actually come out feeling satisfied instead of spending all that adventure on stuff that just feels like it will being fulfilling. And the whole self-doubt thing is not helping. I'm afraid of putting up a bunch of decorating stuff in order to spend time on that instead of finding a job - and going broke in the process.

I feel pretty determined to find some balance on this one.